Designed to be embedded into the core KS2 curriculum and used inventively on a regular basis, our innovative programme offers pupils a gentle introduction to the world of work, helping them to "connect learning to life". We are a team of passionate educationalists (teachers, consultants, film makers, broadcasters). Our mission is to produce resources that enable teachers to provide a motivating, inspiring and ambitious window into the world outside the classroom.
We do that by showing real life people using the topics you’re teaching. Imagine an early stage algebra lesson. Rowan, our computer games developer, explains how he used algebra when creating a new game. In just a few minutes Rowan brings algebra to life and gives children a glimpse into his world.

Accessible online from any computer, in school or at home.
Teachers simply log in to the programme to have access to a library of English, maths and science films. You can search via topic, keyword, or subject to find an engaging 3-5 minute film that supports the area you are teaching.
Our films are each supported by lesson sheets, created by our curriculum specialists. They include suggested points for classroom discussions, a list of further activities that can be planned around each film and facts about the featured job. The platform also provides links to additional teacher resources for each curriculum topic. This means that entire lessons can be planned around a single film.

The Yes Programme is a subscription service with an annual cost of £1.55 per KS2 pupil. Our standard term is 2 years and there is a minimum order price of £100 per year. Price includes access to the full range of films and resources for maths, English and science.